Management and Control
Amendments of General Rules and Regulations
Regulations Regarding Players, Teams, and Team Officials
Registration of Players and Teams
Postponement of Games
Abandoned Games
I.D. Cards
Protected Players
Premier Players
Player Call Up Rules
Punch-card Player Rules
Tie Breakers
Youth Player Entry Agreement
Draft Rules
Appendix: Fees and Fines
- Each affiliated and visiting team is responsible to the Association for the actions of its players, Team Officials, and spectators. Each affiliated and visiting team is required to take all precautions necessary to prevent/mitigate spectators threatening or assaulting staff,
- referees and players prior, during and/or at the conclusion of matches. If any player, team official, or spectator uses objectionable language or exhibits objectionable behaviour, they may be removed from the grounds and/or facility.
- The Directors of this Association shall have the power to deal with violations of the laws of the game, the rules, regulations and By-laws of the Association and Governing Body (if any), and in the case of any infractions of the foregoing, or of any unsportsmanlike conduct, or any action tending to bring into disrepute or to be against its best interests, to summon before it any team, player, Team Official or member, for the purpose of enquiring into said offence.
- It is misconduct for any team, or any player, official or member of any team, to offer, or attempt to offer, either directly or indirectly, any consideration whatsoever to a Director, official, another team, player or players of any other team, with a view to influence the result of a draft and/or a match for personal or monetary gain. It is misconduct for any Director, official, team, player or players, to accept such consideration.
- In the event any team, player, team official or member is proven to the satisfaction of the Directors to have been guilty of any violation of the laws of the game, the rules and regulation of this Association, or of any misconduct, the Directors shall have the power to order the offending team, player, official or member to be removed from membership, suspended for a stated period, or dealt with in such a manner as the Directors may consider proper in the circumstances. No player or member of any such team so removed or suspended shall be eligible for membership in any other Association or team affiliated with this Association without the special permission of the Directors. The Directors may also order the offending parties to pay all expenses incurred in hearing the case.
- The Directors shall have the power to call any team or players thereof, to produce any books, letters or documents and other evidence the Directors may desire.
- In cases of dispute between teams or players, legal proceedings shall be taken only as a last resort, and then only with the consent of the Directors.
- No barrister or solicitor shall represent any such team or player at the hearing of any protest, complaint or appeal, unless they be an executive officer of the Association or team concerned and has been such for a period of three months immediately preceding the lodgment of protest, claim, complaint or appeal and their name appears on the printed list of such team as an executive officer.
- The competitions of this Association take precedence over all other competitions.
- No team shall make a grant or honorarium to any amateur player without first obtaining the sanction of the Directors.
- Each affiliated team shall furnish this Association with a list of its responsible Team Officials prior to the commencement of the playing season every year.
- All Dates, Fees and Fines are to be determined by the Association’s Directors.
- The Association will determine the divisional structure. This will include which teams play in which divisions and how many games are to be played. The Association will also determine playoff format.
- The General Rules and Regulations may be amended, altered or repealed in whole or in part at any meeting of the Board of Directors. Active members in good standing of the Association may propose changes to the General Rules and Regulations by submitting them in writing to the Administrator of the Association for consideration by the Board of Directors.
- Player, Team and Team Official registration fees will be determined annually at the Annual General Meeting which will include membership in the Prince George Soccer Association and/or an appropriate affiliated authority, if any.
- All players must be registered in order to play in the Prince George Soccer Association. This includes non-playing Team Managers or Coaches.
- Protected Player list’s must be submitted in writing to by the deadline set each year by the Association. Any player’s on a protected list that are not registered will be removed from the protected list and must then enter the draft when registered
- A player may register for more than one team but may register for only one team per Division.
- Non-playing Team Officials (Managers or Coaches) will be charged $25 for registration in the Prince George Soccer Association. This registration is considered an Active membership in the Association including, full Clubhouse facilities and voting at the AGM, they are also governed under the DISCIPLINE clause, all other Rules and Regulations and Bylaws.
- A minimum performance bond shall be required from each team affiliating with the Association. The bond shall be carried forward to following season unless the team dissolves. The bond may be returned upon written request on its satisfactory completion of the Association schedule and provided the team has met all other obligations to the Association. However, fines or levies applied against a team or players for violation of the laws, Rules and Regulations of the Association may be collected from this bond. The performance bond must be maintained at the original amount designated to that team throughout the entire season.
- No team will be allowed to participate in Association functions until all financial and other obligations to the Prince George Soccer Association are met.
- Fines may be levied for:
- playing an ineligible player or players (not in good standing);
- team being uncooperative or delaying scheduled game start time;
- default of game;
- accumulation of yellow or red cards;
- any reason deemed appropriate by the Directors.
- If, in the opinion of the Referee, the team uniform colours will create a problem for officiating a game, the HOME team MUST change jersey colours or wear pinnies distinct from those of their opponents.
- All team and player financial obligations are the responsibility of the team manager.
- Any team not in good financial standing will default any scheduled games until their financial obligations have been met. Financial obligations must be met by the time specified by the Association directors.
- Any team that plays a game while not in good standing, shall forfeit those points and may be subject to further disciplinary action from the Association.
- In addition to these Rules and Regulations, the Association follows BC Soccer Judicial Code and Policies.
- In all cases the party complained against shall have the right to appeal the decision of the Disciplinary Committee.
- Players and/or Team Officials reported for misconduct, while under appeal, may be allowed to continue to participate in all soccer activities until their case is dealt with, except;
- Players sent off the field of play (Red Card) will be automatically suspended for at least one (1) game.
- If this player is sent off for an infraction involving a player from the opposing team, the ejected player may bring the opposing player to their disciplinary meeting, if such player is willing to attend.
- Players will be suspended for one (1) game after the first Five yellow cards and one (1) game after the eighth yellow card during regular season. Further yellow cards may result in disciplinary action. A player will be suspended for one (1) game after the second yellow card in the playoffs.
- Players or Team Officials reported for violent misconduct or for assault [verbal and/or physical] on staff, players, referees or game officials, shall stand suspended from all soccer activities until their case has been dealt with by the Association and/or an appropriate affiliated authority, if any.
- Team accumulation of Twenty (20) or more yellow cards shall incur fines determined by the Association Directors. Further accumulation will result in additional fines.
- Where the control of discipline has been delegated to an affiliated organization or committee all cases of players ordered off the field of play as well as players and/or officials reported for misconduct shall be dealt with by the organization or committee within ten (10) business days of the incident.
- These suspension guidelines will apply to all Association sanctioned games and/or events.
- In ice breaker, tournament, and exhibition games, red cards will count and be carried to regular season play, yellow cards will not count.
- At the end of the regular season schedule, all personal and team yellow cards will be reset to zero, except where a player and/or team has accumulated a suspension or fine. That player and/or team must complete their suspension and pay all fines.
- All suspensions and disciplinary action NOT completed by the end of the playing season will carry over to the next season (this includes regular season and playoffs).
- All persons on the Association grounds shall abide by the CODE OF CONDUCT and FIFA Laws of the Game. Failure to do so shall result in sanctions by the Association.
- If a player earns a suspension in a call-up game, that player will not be able to play any game until their suspension has been served. A player may NOT use a called-up game to sit out a suspension, or any part thereof.
- Suspensions will be carried out in consecutive games. Whether the games are scheduled or rescheduled will not matter.
- Any registered player found playing while ineligible shall be appropriately disciplined by the Association.
- A team playing a registered player while ineligible shall be appropriately disciplined by the Association.
- Game suspensions for punch card players will be assessed by the Discipline Committee. Games will be removed from their punch card.
- I.D. cards will be retained by the Association until all fines and levies are paid.
- Appeals from the decision of the Disciplinary Committee under the jurisdiction of the Association shall be to the Directors of the Association.
- Appeals from the decision of the Association shall be made to an appropriate affiliated authority, if any.
- Appeals to this Association shall be in writing and shall state the grounds upon which the appeal is based. A hard or electronic copy of the appeal, together with an appeal fee shall be received by the Administrator of this Association via PO Box or e-mail within four (4) days from the time the decision is given. No appeal will be considered without payment of the fee. The operation of such decision shall not be suspended pending the hearing of an appeal. Appeals shall not be withdrawn except by consent of this Association. The fee will only be refunded if the appeal is upheld. All requests for appeal shall be addressed within four (4) days of receipt of the written request.
- Appeals from a decision of this Association, except for a decision rendered on matters referred to in Rule 4 hereunder, may be made to an appropriate affiliated authority, if any. The Board of Directors of said Association to decide in what manner and by whom such appeal shall be heard, but the operation of such decision shall not be suspended pending the hearing of an appeal unless the Board of Directors of an appropriate affiliated authority, if any so orders.
- A decision of this Association on an appeal arising from any Tournament game played in the province under the jurisdiction of this Association shall be final and binding.
- In dealing with any protest, the Association may take into consideration the possession by the protesting party of any knowledge which if properly used, might have obviated the protest.
- All referees shall be under the control and jurisdiction of this Association.
- All referees MUST successfully complete annual refresher courses and fitness testing. Proof of completion must be provided to this Association.
- No person shall officiate as a referee in any competition under the sanction or jurisdiction of this Association who is not on the official list of this Association, or registered with BC Soccer, but if for unforeseen circumstances a referee on the official list is unable to act, teams, or combinations of, shall agree on some other person in the emergency.
- All persons wishing to be placed on the official list of referees shall contact the Association’s referee assignor.
- The Association has the power to determine suitability of referees for the official’s list in conjunction with BC Soccer.
- All candidates may be assessed as to their suitability for duty.
- Complaints by or against referees shall be made in writing to the Administrator of this Association.
- The referee shall have the power to decide the fitness of the ground in all matches, and their decision shall be final.
- Referees are required to update the assignor game report directly following each game.
- Referees are required within twenty-four (24) hours of conclusion of a match at which they officiate, to forward to the Association concerned, a complete game report, and a misconduct report, if applicable.
- Team registration and payment deadline dates will be set by the Association each year. Teams may be denied registration or subject to a late payment surcharge if registering past that date. Team rosters will have a maximum of twenty-two (22) players registered at any one time. Additional players may be allowed to be signed, if;
- there is room on a 22-player roster;
- players are signed prior to registration deadline;
- they are obtained through the draft system;
- the Association executive allows it as a special case.
- All changes to a team’s roster must be registered with the Association Registrar or Administrator, in writing via email to, before they become official.
- All team’s must have a minimum roster of 17 player’s in order to participate in the Prince George Soccer Association. Any team found to be participating in scheduled games without the required minimum roster will be considered to have defaulted the game and be subject to appropriate fines as decided by the PGSA Board of Directors.
- Any or all forms can be obtained from the Association Registrar or Administrator.
- It is the responsibility of the teams’ manager to submit ALL changes to the Association Registrar or Administrator.
- Players must be registered online and paid in full forty-eight (48) hours before they are eligible to play.
- Players must play a minimum of three (3) regular season games with the same team to be eligible to play for that team in the playoffs.
- A team roster, with full correct names and uniform numbers along with player ID cards for punch card player’s must be presented to the referee before commencement of the match. Changes to the team roster can be made at half time only. The roster will include the date and names of the players in uniform for that game ONLY! All call-ups [C] and punch-card players [PC] must be designated as such on the team roster. Master team list’s have been provided for easy use and hand written lists will not be considered acceptable. All player’s not playing must be fully crossed off. If team’s list’s are found to be inaccurate (ie players not cross off, punch card or call up players not properly labelled as such) game’s will be considered to be defaulted and associated fine’s may be owed at association discretion.
- Player registration fee structure: Full Registration fee until approximately July 15th, includes insurance and affiliation in an appropriate affiliated authority, if any. Mid-season (as decided by the Board) registration fees start approximately July 16th.
- When a player is no longer on a team’s active roster the manager may sign a new player for a player replacement fee (see Appendix: Fees and Fines below) which may include insurance and affiliation in an appropriate affiliated authority, if any.
- A player must turn 16 years in the current calendar year to be eligible for registration with the Association.
- All new teams (seven or less returning players from a single team) will be subjected to Association approval.
- If a game is postponed because of inclement weather, the Association will reschedule the game and notify the officials and the teams and give seven (7) days’ notice, if possible.
- A team wishing to postpone a scheduled game must give the Association seven (7) days’ notice, in writing and is subject to approval by the Association.
- If, in the opinion of the Association, the reason given for postponement by the team is satisfactory, the Association will inform all parties concerned and make the appropriate arrangements to reschedule the game.
- Abandoned Games:
- Defined as disruptive behaviour in violation of Rules and/or Code of Conduct of Association.
- Defined as Inclement weather resulting in risk to players or facility.
- Includes discretion of the Referee.
- If the game is called before half-time time due to inclement weather, the game will be rescheduled and replayed with a zero/zero score.
- If the game is called after half-time due to inclement weather, the game and score will be upheld.
- If the game drops below seven (7) players at any given time, the game will result in a default and points awarded to the opposing team.
- If the game is called due to disruptive behaviour in violation of Rules and/or Code of Conduct the result of the game will be at the discretion of the Association.
- All players MUST present a valid I.D. card if requested by officials for all sanctioned Association game.
- If a punch card player plays in a sanctioned game without an I.D. card, the player and/or team are liable to Association discipline and/or fines.
- If a punch card player does not present their I.D. card, they will NOT be permitted to play.
- A player signed by a team is protected by that team. The player may not move to another team unless signed permission is obtained from the Team Official or they are no longer protected by that team.
- Player can appeal to the Association if Team Officials will not release player.
- Player can be removed from protected list at the end of the season.
- Punch-card holders CANNOT be on protected lists nor registered to a specific team.
- All protected list players must be registered and paid prior to the protected list submission deadline set by the Board of Directors.
- A player is considered on a team’s protected list until released. This will carry over from year to year.
- Competitive Division will protect maximum 20 players from previous season’s roster.
- Recreational Division’s can protect a maximum of 22 players from the previous season’s roster
- A player on a protected list may leave a team with the team manager’s permission.
- After the season starts, all players must go through the draft.
- Other divisions are not subject to a maximum number of protected players.
- Up to Five (5) premiere players can be on a team roster at any given time unless otherwise determined by the Association.
- All premiere players either released or wishing to switch teams MUST go into the draft pre and post season start.
- The Association has authority to adjudicate unreasonable requests.
- Team Officials may recruit and sign new players throughout the season unless recruited players are subject to mandatory draft rules, premier player rules, maximum players rules or registration rules.
- New recruits must not have been a member of the Association or played in any capacity in the Association in the previous season.
Premier Players are restricted to Division One levels. Premier Players are defined as a male or female player having previously played with a Varsity (University) program within the last five (3) years. Players are recruited/invited to showcases to try out, train and compete in provincial and/or national calibre events. Try out must result in successful rostering.
Division One teams will be limited in the number of “Premiere” to a maximum of Five (5) players on their roster.
- These are players who have played varsity within the last three years.
- If a premiere player is available to draft, the team with the lowest number of “Premiere” players will have the first right of refusal. This is to ensure parity within the Division.
- Premiere players cannot play in any recreational Division, classified as Divisions Two and Three.
- Call-up players are players already registered with another team in this Association.
- A team may call-up a player from a lower division. E.g. Division One can call-up a player registered in Division Two. All call-up players must be in good standing.
- A player may only be called-up for a maximum of eight (8) games per season to play as a player. Goalies may be called-up unlimited times from a lower division or within their own division and must be registered as a Goalie for their originating team and not play any other position. This total carries across all divisions and teams.
- Women’s Division Three may call-up within their division, but the maximum eight (8) game rule applies.
- A team may only call-up a maximum of four (4) players (Call Up and/or Punchcard) per game, but their game roster cannot exceed 17 players. (e.g. 13 players + 4 call-ups = 17 players max.).
- Goals scored by called-up players will count for that player’s total in the division in which they are called-up to play in.
- There will be no call-ups or punch-card players for playoff or Cup games (Association games only).
- A call-up players must be clearly identified on the team list by the letter [C] next to their name on the team list. The referee must also be informed.
- A suspended player is not eligible to be called-up until their suspension has been served.
- The onus is on the team calling-up the player(s) and the player(s) themselves to ensure the authenticity of the information on the team list, and that the player is eligible to be called-up. Not doing so may result in fines.
- All players, including called-up players, must provide the game official with their I.D. cards.
- If a player I.D. card is not presented at the start of the game, the player will NOT be permitted to play.
- ‘Punch-card’ is a 10 game card designed for players not able to commit to a team due to personal schedules.
- Players can register and play up to a maximum of 10 games throughout the season. Registration provides an option to choose ‘Punch-card’.
- Punch-card players may transfer their registration to fulltime at any time throughout the season by contacting the Registrar and paying any difference in registration fees. Upon completion of additional payment the player will enter the draft
- Punch-card players cannot participate in playoffs or Cup games.
- Punch-card players play within their chosen Division and cannot be assigned to a specific team.
- A Punch-card player may be called-up to a higher division. E.g. Division One can call-up a punch-card player registered in Division Two. All Punch-card players must be in good standing.
- Goals scored by Punch-card players will count for that player’s total in the division in which they played in.
- There will be no call-ups or punch-card players for playoff or Cup games (Association games only).
- All Punch-card players must be clearly identified on the team list by the letters [PC] next to their name on the team list. The referee must also be informed.
- A Punch-card player is not eligible to play if under suspension until that suspension has been served.
- The onus is on the team using a Punch-card player(s) and the player(s) themselves to ensure the authenticity of the information on the team list, and that the player is eligible to be rostered. Not doing so may result in fines.
- All players, including Punch-card players, must provide the game official with their I.D. cards.
- If a player I.D. card is not presented at the start of the game, the player will NOT be permitted to play.
- All Rules and Regulations apply to Punch-card players including Premier Player Rules.
- All Punch-card players transferring registration to full-time must go through the draft. There will be no minimum number of required played games and draft order (as of request date) will be followed.
- A team may only utilize a maximum of four (4) punch card and/or call up players per game, but their game roster cannot exceed 17 players. (e.g. 13 players + 4 call-ups = 17 players max.)
- Any or all refunds regarding team registration fees or performance bonds, will be at the discretion of the Association.
- Team Officials requesting a team registration or performance bond refund MUST submit such requests to the Administrator, in writing.
- Player registration refund requests will be at the discretion of the board and only prior to commencement of the season.
- There will be no player registration refunds after the season has commenced.
- There will be no Punch-card player refunds under any circumstances.
- If a clear winner is not decided by points, the Association tie breakers shall be as follows; a. Tie breaker game, if time permits (date, time and venue to be determined by Association). b. Record between the teams involved. c. Total goals for, only in games the teams involved played against each other during the regular season. d. If a winner still is not decided, there will be a coin toss.
- Section (a) above ONLY applies to determining a Divisional Champion.
- Sections (b), (c), and (d) apply to all teams.
- All graduating youth players from Select/All Star teams will be drafted onto this Association teams for the full season.
- Youth players who do not wish to play for the team that has drafted them will not be allowed to play for any other team in this Association for one (1) year from the drafting date.
- Graduating youth ‘House’ Association players do not have to go through the draft and may find a team prior to the start of season; after which they must enter the draft – if applying for Division One, see Draft Rules below.
- A team of graduating youth players may petition the PGSA to enter this Association as a new team. The petitioning team must have at least eight (8) returning players from the graduating team.
- All players moving from any youth organization are regulated by this Association.
- No person may register as a player in the PGSA and youth organization simultaneously unless sanctioned by the British Columbia Soccer Association (BCSA).
- Any player currently registered with or has not graduated from a youth organization within British Columbia who wishes to register with this Association, must obtain a written confirmation of release from a senior executive of the youth organization. A letter of understanding must also be presented from the player’s parent(s) or legal guardian stating agreement to play in the PGSA. These documents must be received by the PGSA Administrator prior to attempted registration in the PGSA.
- There will be a draft for each division, if warranted:
- Draft order will be lowest team drafts first followed by the next lowest to highest teams based on the previous season standings. Division One will draft first followed by other divisions.
- Future drafts during the season will be last place drafts first with first place drafting last. Division One will draft first followed by other Divisions.
- All players wishing to enter the draft must indicate which division(s) they are willing to play in.
- All draft eligibility is subject to the Association’s discretion.
- Ice breaker will be held first, the final registration date and open window closure will be next, followed by the draft. All these happen before the season starts.
- All Division One teams must have a roster of 17 before regular draft session will commence.
- Any new team will be last to draft a player. An existing team (8 or more returning players) with a new sponsor will not be considered a new team.
- If a team folds, all players on that team will be considered released. No more than three (3) of those players can go to any one team prior to the draft without Association approval.
FEES AND FINES (updated February 2023)
FEES (all fees include 5% GST unless otherwise indicated):
Player Registration (full season) $200.00
Player Registration (May 13th to July 15th or July 16 th to end of reg season ) $110.00
Player Registration (over 50’s) $140.00
Player Registration (over 50’s half-season after approx. July 15th) $ 70.00
Player Registration (punch card 10 games only – no playoffs) $140.00
Team Officials (coach/manager) $ 25.00
Associate Members $ 25.00
Life Members Complimentary
Player Replacement $ 50.00
Team Registration $500.00
Team Bond $300.00
Admin Fee (may apply to changes in registration)
Forfeit Game (eg. Playing ineligible player) $120.00
Default Game (eg. Not enough players) $120.00
Default Game (with 48 hrs to 3 hours notice) $ 25.00
Default Game (with more than 48 hrs notice)
Appeals (refunded if appeal upheld) $ 50.00
Failing to have 2 members attending AGM $ 50.00
NSF cheque $ 50.00
Red Card (excluding 2nd yellow) $ 50.00
Yellow Cards (Team accumulation):
20 $ 50.00
25 $100.00
30 $150.00
35+ Determined by Association